They might do that, not maybe I'll check and see if you really think the difference would be that significant. According to that link, Intel CPUs that are 2.6GHz are faster than my 3.2GHz AMD?! Good greif. I'll have to check and see what the cost difference would be to get much better performance; there's no sense in spending the same to get a slower chip that performs the same anyway... If I can spend the same or maybe very slightly more to get something significantly better then perhaps I'll do that. Not sure on their policy since the heatsink is installed and the ship will be smeared with thermal paste.
I vow to be on the AMD ship come hell or high water and you'll have to pry an AMD CPU from my cold dying hand as rigor mortis sets in before I would buy anything from that other place.
Why; you think I should've went Intel? I've been out of the loop. I just know that the 4200+ I had before (I think it was 2.2GHz) would spank a 2.2GHz Intel at the time.
From my first 386/40Mhz I've always liked AMD better.
So if I wasn't a lazy bastard I really should rip this new mobo out and replace it with the other one for only $20 difference. The other one is also an AM2+ / DDR 1066 capable but backwards compatible with my AM2 / DDR800 stuff.
I decided to upgrade now - motherboard, CPU, RAM ... and since I was buying more stuff they had no problem letting me exchange the 3870 even though the exchange period had passed... The 8800GTS G92 now works flawlessly with the new board, so the PS was not the issue at all. Guess it had something to do with my MB!
Athlon 64X2 6400+, 4GB DDR2, 8800GTS. Much happier now!
JAKG: Should I change the MB to a PCIe 2 board? I had read many times that we still don't even use the 1.1 bus fully, but then some people say it does make a difference. Thoughts?
Seems to run well even on the 1.1 bus, but my brain wasn't working at the store and I forgot about PCIe 2.
I might be able to help you out with that, I'll see how many are in the box. But then don't you need the DVDs anyway?? Finland is an expensive flight...
Thirdly, When the car hits the ground after a jump it's going to have a lot more grip for a breif instant than it would than for example doing a standing start on pavement. Hence you can drop the clutch and peel out on pavement but still slip the clutch landing from a jump at WOT.
I can kind of see where you're coming from, but I don't understand what the problem is. They've made a product based on market research that they conducted (must've been that dilbert guy). Why does that make them "elitist"? I mean, I wish I could afford a Porsche (Shot's favorite) but I can't... Maybe that makes Porsche an elitist company, or maybe it just means they make a great product that costs a lot - in their case even if it doesn't have to. And real nice words about the USA PS, I guess that means I should wish doom on the Germans, because I can't afford a Porsche right? That was a pretty ignorant thing to say.
Pity, it runs flawlessly on my machine, yours must be too "clean"
The dilbert guy probably solicitcs their target demographic, which we don't see...
I don't necessarily disagree with you on all of that, but it's the way things are moving, and the consumer has made it that way through piracy and whatnot. I really don't think that iRacing could afford to be pirated which is unfortunately probably one of the reasons there is no offline play etc. Consumers in general have been ripping off developers since day one of this industry. We could argue about why and how but the fact is simply that it's done. Consumers have used the internet to their advantage in a major way, and now developers are starting to do the same and we don't like it.
I prefer the term charismatic...
Rabid or not I just tend to put my heart into everything I do, so if I have an argument about something I tend to present it with some chili peppers. I thought you guys would know that; how long have I been here?!
And for the record, I'm not "happy" about having to pay for iRacing, obviously if I was given the choice I would rather not just like everyone else. However, that doesn't translate into "it's a lot of money" (it's not, based simply on the market).
Sure it is! It breaks monotony from work and forces Shot to come up with humourous phraseologies!